Tweets From OpenFortressIs this thing on?
Todd | May 26, 2022
Hello? Ah, good. The website is working! Ahem Welcome to the blog section of the website!
Here, you'll get teasers, updates, and insider scoop on what's happening with Open Fortress!
Brought to you by me, Todd the Freelancer! You see, I was just hired by an anonymous politician who penned themselves "Scarlett". Through them, I was tasked with hunting down this guy who they just referred to as "The Mercenary".
A pretty hard man to track down! I mean, my one reference was just the name "Mercenary"! No fancy codenames of the sort! How am I meant to track that!? That sleazy politician is lucky I happened to be craving a soda that afternoon, or else I would've never swiped that dollar! Anyways, my current attempts aren't absolutely in vain thankfully, as I've come across many happenings throughout my travels. For instance, I've managed to loot myself some armor hailing from the classic ages of warfare, a zombie apocalypse you've could've sworn came from the silver screen, and facilities l've never even heard of before, let alone stepped in! Most recently, I took a visit to a processing plant named "Bad Works"!