Tweets From OpenFortressRevision 16, Erectin' a Sentry!
OF Team | July 30, 2023

Added automatic crash reporting!
- On first boot, the game will ask you if you agree to sending anonymous reports on crash
- The only identifiable info sent is your SteamID, more info on https://openfortress.fun/GDPR.txt
For some time now we've been concerned about the stability of the game, however internal tests can only help so much, so gathering crash scenarios from the public will be a massive help
Added of_dom_scorelimit_multiplier
- Multiplies points need to win in (mercenary) Domination
Added dynamic spawner time settings:
- The value weapon spawner respawn times get multiplied by at max player countof_spawners_dynamic_player_start_count
- The player count at which
dynamic weapon spawner times startof_spawners_dynamic_player_max_count
- The player count at which
dynamic weapon spawner times reach their max multiplier
We saw that servers with a larger player cap often ran weaponstay to combat the issue of not enough weapons for that larger player count, however, that deminished the player experience at low to medium player counts, these convars are meant to solve this issue
Added sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed
- Enables/Disables vote kicks
Fixed crash related to picking up the Flag in DM
Fixed jump pad related server crash
Fixed some memory allocation errors related to music
Fixed undefined behavior related to trigger_touch and teleports that caused velocity to not be preserved
Cleaned up some console error messages
Updated melee reflection to be more lenient
Fixed use_fire
not properly selecting the Deathmatch Flamethrower
Added new cosmetics:
- PF2 Crossover!
- Old School shirt
- Old School Pants
- Emblem shirt
- The Nostalgic nades - Textures WIP
- The Mighty harness - Textures WIP
Added new styles for The Suit jacket
Updated Camoless pants textures
Updated Burglar shirt cosmetic
Added indicators for which items come from crossovers in the Loadout menu
Fixed many inconsistencies and errors in cosmetic material functions
- Added new dev map dm_fotia_dev
- Fight atop the roof of a seemingly abandoned office complex. Be sure to avoid falling off though.

- Added new dev map dm_marine_dev
- Dive deep into this underwater base, and get lost in its corridors as vast as the ocean

- Added new dev map dm_trisect_dev
- Several other mercenaries have broken in to this mysterious facility and they aren’t gonna let you leave without a fight. Maintain control over each of the three sectors to ensure your survival.

- Added new dev map mpush_tycoon_dev
- Experience the Push gamemode once again in this up and coming map, just try not to go the wrong way, dongus

- Added new version of angeles, MDOM_angeles_dev!
- Fight for your team and take the occasional saw blade to the chest with this new twist to the MDOM formula - a series of sequentially unlocking and locking control points that takes players around the streets and alleys of downtown Los Angeles!

Updated DM Angeles:
- Added Mega powerup in the office
- Reworked office second floor to be tighter
- Added 2 jump pads into the office first floor, one replacing the teleporter in the loading dock
- Added surfable and trimpable surfaces
- Added a lot of road sign props around the map
- Fine tuned jump pads and overall geometry
- Added a tribute for the concerningly large group dedicated to crashing the server every time dm_angeles_dev is played with the power of a mere beach ball
Updated Casino:
- Added New slot machine models made by Wendy
- Added place holder signage
- Added new route going down to the parking area
- Streamlined some areas
- Added jump pad going up to the lightning gun level
- Added new vent path going to the revolver
- Switched around railgun and ar spawns
- New detail added around parking area and upper levels of the building
- New hotel building (might expand layout area into it in the future)
- Doors are now higher to help stop head bumping
- Moved full ammo from bottom of the stairwell dead end into its own new area up further
Updated Grain:
- Made many small doors taller to stop head bonking
- Lowered the displacement on the lower tommygun spawn to stop head bonking
- Widened the door above the lower shotgun
- Replaced the ladder next to the lower shotgun with a jump pad
- Gave the kritz spawn a 20 second spawn delay at the start of the match
- Pushed one of the containers next to the chaingun spawn so it doesn't stick out
- Swapped the rocket launcher and flamethrower spawns
- Replaced all climbable ladder models with the default open fortress ladder model
- Moved spawns that were directly next to each other to be further apart
Updated Painhouse:
- Updated layout
- Added Mostly-complete artpass by Waugh101
- New map info

Updated Thames:
- Optimization pass
- Replaced stock flamethrower pickup with DM flamethrower
- Added second rocket launcher spawn point on lower level embankment
- Added jump pad from lower level gardens to hotel atrium
- Replaced double decker bus ladder with jump pad, allowing for easier access to existing rocket launcher spawn
- Made it easier to jump onto lower level embankment jump pad
- Added ramp on eastern side of gardens for smoother bunnyhopping
- Added decals for pill spawn points
- Increased volume of underground train
- Replaced photo of Soldier on bulletin board newspaper texture with photo of Mercenary
- Various other visual/quality of life improvements
Updated Facility:
- Added incomplete artpass

Updated Mulholland:
- Minor clipping and visual fixes
Fixed cubemaps on dm_campway_dev
Discontinued dm_siberia_dev
Removed dm_watchtower for the moment due to overwhelmingly negative reception
Removed dm_hungry for the moment due to overwhelming problems with implementation
Added new WIP Chaingun model
The previous iteration of the chaingun model didn't quite hit the notes we wanted it to, so we've been working on a new model that hopefully gets the idea we had across
Updated Nailgun model, special thanks to the Pre-Fortress 2 team!
Updated China Lake grenade model
We've been working on updating the china lake to make it feel more chunky and in line with it's power, for now, you can experience the grenades of it
Updated Saw ballista projectiles to rotate their model when they bounce
Updated animations for the following weapons:
- Merc's Pistol
- Berserk
- Zombie claws
Fixed jitter in the dynamite bundle animation
Updated some of berserk's sound effects
Updated nail gun draw sound
Updated now playing HUD element to support team colors
Fixed an issue where 3D Class model pose would not properly adjust in minmode
Updated Bots' birth certificate
Ported over func_flagdetectionzone
Added a variety of carpet materials for mappers to use, by MacD11
Added kitty and bunny cutouts for mappers to use, by HypnOS
Added radiator prop for mappers to use, by iiboharz
Added garbage can prop for mappers to use, by Wheat
Added many roadsign props for mappers to use, by Applecakey
Added new variation of spytech doorframe, by Wheat
Added assets from bonesaw ( hacksaw event ), courtesy of Diva Dan
Updated jumppads to require additional confirmation in order to use "No aircontrol" setting
Many mappers started overusing this setting in places where they didn't need to, the amount of maps with this issue has reached a critical amount to the point where we decided to retroactively disable them all
Updated the gameplay zoo