Tweets From OpenFortressRelease Notes for Revision 15
OF Team | March 26, 2023
Make sure to update by using the batch program or the zips.
- Fix a bug where cosmetics go invisible while swapping from in-eye to chase cam in spectator mode
- Note: This may still happen on rare occasions, we will look further into it if necessary
- Fixed schema (and custom) weapons having client/server mismatches
- Fixed Duel config from not executing last in the ordered list (See [MISC] section for order)
- Berserk no longer shows quickswitch list while equipped
- Duel should no longer have any HUD elements break and freeze on screen (for real this time)
- Fix empty super weapons being dropped and picked up
- Announcers have now been moved to use FMOD, meaning their volume is seperate from the game with the command "snd_announcervolume"
- No more "white painted" truck model
- Added FGD5's updated vehicles
- Ubercharge's U fixed
- Quad Launcher now have a better physics model and corrected bone when mounted on merc's back
- Merc's crowbar is no longer colored when invis
- In-game tips now change every level change
- Add air step-up/up-warping to ledges with "sv_airstepsize"
- Nerfed Saw Ballista's ammo count (16 down to 10)
- In CTF and derivatives:
- Added flag return on touch by default
- Added cvar "of_capture_on_away" for handling flag captures when team's flag is away from base (enabled by default; to disable flag captures when home flag is away, change to 0)
- Removed "mp_fraglimit" from "default_global_config"
- Server Owners! The configs in "cfg" work as follows: server.cfg -> default_global_config -> global_config -> default_gamemode_config -> gamemode_config
- Added "tf_bot_join_after_player" cvar
- "of_duel_winlimit" set to 1 by default
- This means duel winners will be rotated off immediately, allowing the next two players in queue to play. Set this to 0 in the "config_duel.cfg" to revert
- "func_plat" added
- Added Armor filter
- Jumppads now have a "reducebackwards" option
- Reduce air accelaration when walking against them, you can now walk onto jumppads facing opposite of you without being shot directly up in the air
- Removed the default sounds in the FGD
- Added support for custom pickup sounds, will revert to default if empty or using another's pickup's sound
pagoda_dev has been overhauled
- Overall improvements to aesthetics and brushwork, with a focus on curves and spirals
- The layout has been redesigned with both MCTF and MDOM in mind
- The islands over the deathpit have expanded to make room for more interesting fights and a capture point
- The waterfall cave has been expanded for more interesting fights and room for a capture point
- The Quad Launcher has been replaced with the Saw Ballista
- MCTF specific changes:
- The bases now have a clear high ground watching the entrance and flag room
- Flag room is open and easy to get in but tough to get out
- There is a Saw Ballista on the islands near the pagoda
- Teleporters on the deathpit side take players onto the balcony of the base
- MDOM specific changes:
- The 4 capture points have been reduced to 3
- The 2 capture points inside the bases have been removed
- Points are now located on the island, inside the pagoda and inside the cave
- Players will always spawn in their own base, instead of spawning everywhere on the map
- No superweapon for MDOM
- Flag rooms have been blocked off for MDOM
- Teleporters on the deathpit side take players onto the island capture point
- Shuffled weapon spawns around and added a few more
- Tightened up gameplay spaces
- Added new teleporter taking the player from the first office floor to the second
- Added beach ball to the pool
- Adjusted saw ballista spawn time to 90 seconds from 75
- Minor edits to skybox
- Fixed seams near china lake
- Replaced full ammo pack with Megahealth
- Slightly changed saw ballista placement
- Updated saw ballista spawn times by a few seconds
- Satiated