Tweets From OpenFortressRelease Notes for Revision 12
OF Team | September 28, 2022
Please make sure to use the of_install.bat in order to upgrade your game files.
*SERVER OWNERS*: Please ensure you update your servers!
- Updated Fortunate One's normal map. (Camo Helmet)
- More updated Bucket Icons.
- HOPEFULLY fixed Shield Overlay in teammates looking horrible.
- Fixed MAP CFGS from being truncated.
- Fixed various crashes.
- added a few miscellaneous music tracks
- intermission_ending is now uncommented and can be used
- Fixed score not setting.
- Fixed score limit not displaying properly.
- Updated duel_mulholland (Added missing Meet The Sniper Assets.)
- Added dm_campway_dev (missing various things such as clipping in areas. Don't report clipping Issues, please. I beg you.)
- Removed dm_hungry