Tweets From OpenFortressOFToast 0.3.1 Release
brysondev | June 22, 2022
The bread-and-condiment division of Open Fortress is proud to present a once-in-a-lunchtime improvement to the OF installation process. Introducing the LARGER THAN LOAF update!
This update is a rework of OFtoast, Open Fortress’ own dedicated launcher, and is split into two parts, the first of which releases today!
OFtoast 0.3 (codename “Home Improvement”) This part of the update, out now, features an all-new redesign of OFtoast's UI, intended to make the process as user-friendly and intuitive as possible. Other features include an advanced options menu, a more reliable backend, support for custom installation paths, and a swanky soundtrack - click the unmute button to toggle new music from Mattie and home-made toaster noises from myself. And did we mention we've now added the ability to launch the game? That’s right - the launcher finally launches!
OFtoast 0.4 (codename “Rei’s Kitchen Sink”) This part of the update, coming soon, will take advantage of the backend implemented in 0.3 to make the OF download process faster, less error-prone and less intensive on our servers, and will also feature more customization options for advanced users including custom launch parameters. More juicy technical details to follow!
https://toast.openfortress.fun/toast/oftoast-0.3.1.exe https://toast.openfortress.fun/toast/oftoast-0.3.1-linux.bin
19cc82e7c58f7a11e99df33828a179825c4aed5787279af1bc34ff30f6731b3d oftoast-0.3.1.exe
6ec7560805d12c31382459dd922564500deae96ce298095a951bb884d93710e3 oftoast-0.3.1-linux.bin