Tweets From OpenFortressGO, MOVE IT!
OF Team | January 10, 2023
We've updated the download page to include a direct download of Open Fortress as a .zip file, for those who want the option now that we're spacing out major content updates. We have also updated the link for the Linux installer to go directly to the murse download on sourcehut, as the video link was confusing for some users. In addition both of these options should download much faster for users in North America, and potentially in other regions as well; our original cluster/load balance setup was routing traffic incorrectly, causing slow download speeds, but this has now been fixed.
Happy fragging!
Update: the wrapper script for Windows users is now compatible with Windows 7! While we strongly recommend you upgrade your OS if you're still running Windows 7 (due to its lack of support for current Windows security updates, which could leave your system vulnerable to attacks and viruses), now you too can enjoy a spot of fragging in the interim. Make sure to check here for how to install if you're running Windows 7!